Danas Černeckas was elected for the second term of the president of KTU SA

Danas Černeckas was elected for the second term of the president of KTU SA

Duration - 5 min.

On March 31st, during the KTU Student Association (KTU SA) reporting-election conference, Danas Černeckas, who has four years of experience in the organization, was elected for a second term as president. During the conference, members of the Control Committee and representatives of the KTU Senate were also elected for a one-year term.

The conference, as usual, began with a greeting from KTU Rector Eugenijus Valatka, KTU Vice-Rector for Studies Jonas Čeponis, and the Director of the Student Affairs Department, Kristina Skučienė. In his welcoming speech, the Rector sincerely emphasized, "Your (KTU SA members') maturity, your ideas, your behavior fascinate me... I often return to the students in my thoughts, and one of the pillars in life is knowing that there is a generation that is mature, interesting, and creative." Additionally, the President of the Lithuanian Student Union, Paulius Vaitiekus, congratulated Danas, wishing that the upcoming term (if elected) would be as successful as the previous ones.

After the warm wishes, Danas presented the annual activity report of his previous team. Sharing the key achievements, the President was particularly proud of the values demonstrated by the union. One such example was the proactive questions raised by the organization's members to the University administration regarding KTU's collaboration with companies that continued to operate in Russia during the war. This proactive student engagement led to the termination of these companies' participation in the KTU WANTed Career Days.

During the conference, the organization's financial report was also presented. This term, the central office's income amounted to approximately 47,000 euros, while expenses were around 27,000 euros. The main sources of income were support from KTU (29,000 euros), LSP (8,000 euros), and 1.2% of GPM support (3,800 euros). Most of the organization's expenses this year were dedicated to implementing the Introductory Week event (about 11,000 euros).

Following the report presentations, the KTU SA Control Committee provided insights into the student union's activities. They assessed areas such as documentation, financial management, organizational operations, representativeness, and human resources. In response to one of the delegates' questions, Control Committee member Žilvinas Tomkevičius stated, "The committee somewhat lacked more active involvement and communication with the union members."

After the reports were approved, the second part of the conference began, featuring candidate presentations for positions in the KTU Senate, KTU SA Control Committee, and the presidency. Following a lengthy series of questions, a vote was held, resulting in the election of all participating candidates.

The members of the Control Committee

  1. Dovydas Niūklys
  2. Gytis Nadvaravičius
  3. Ignas Galicinas
  4. Monika Eimutytė
  5. Paulina Kornijevskytė

The student representatives in the Senate

  1. Augustinas Jukna
  2. Emilija Karaseva
  3. Kasparas Arys
  4. Matas Grigošaitis
  5. Monika Eimutytė
  6. Skaistė Paškauskaitė
  7. Ugnė Orinaitė
  8. Ugnė Viktorija Paulikaitė
  9. Dovilė Rubinaitė

Finally, Danas Černeckas introduced his upcoming team and outlined their goals and strategic areas of focus. We wish the newly elected central office team, student representatives in the KTU Senate, and the Control Committee significant and beneficial achievements for the benefit of the students! Lead the organization and students forward, and when challenges arise, remember these meaningful lines from the KTU SA anthem: "Do not forget that you are nothing / Without others like you."

The broadcast of the conference can be found here.