
You will find here all needed information about scholarships

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Incentive scholarships for study results:

University Talent Scholarship

The size of the university talent scholarship is 250 euros per month. The total amount of support per semester is 1000 euros. A student with a competitive score of at least 11 receives a talent scholarship and is not included in the competitive queue.

Scholarships are awarded in the autumn semester: October, November, December, and January.

Scholarships are awarded in the spring semester: March, April, May, and June.

The competition takes place in the autumn semester: in September.

The competition takes place in the spring semester: in February.

Applications are filled out in AIS, in the "Contests" section → University Talent Scholarship.

More information: on the KTU page

"GIFTed" and "SKILLed" scholarships

Scholarships are awarded to members of the GIFTed or SKILLed programs of the talent academy of each course. Scholarships are awarded to a maximum of 20 members of each program.

The size of the "GIFTed" and "SKILLed" scholarship is 300 euros per month. The total amount of support per semester is 1200 euros.

"GIFTed" and "SKILLed" scholarships are not awarded to first-year students during the first semester.

Scholarships are awarded in the autumn semester: October, November, December, and January.

Scholarships are awarded in the spring semester: March, April, May, and June.

One-time scholarships (awarded from university funds):

One-time social grant*

The size of the one-time social scholarship is up to 20 BSB (in 2024, 1 BSB = 55 euros).

One-time social scholarships are awarded and their amount is determined by the University's one-time social scholarship awarding commission. Applications and documents are accepted throughout the year. Applications are submitted to AIS by the 9th of the month, including (Submission of applications → Submit a new application → For a one-time social grant).

One-time social scholarships can be received by first and second-degree students of all study forms (the only scholarship at the University that a student with academic debts can receive) studying in state-funded and non-state-funded places and students studying in non-degree programs.

One-time social grants are awarded to students whose financial situation is difficult due to:

  1. diseases;
  2. illness or death of family members;
  3. natural disaster or loss of property;
  4. in other exceptional cases.

*here it is written about the social scholarship awarded by the University, not the State.

One-time incentive scholarship for active activities

Scholarships are awarded for active activities - participation in the activities of student organizations, art groups, or sports teams, volunteering, fostering the welfare of the University, etc.

The size of the one-time incentive scholarship for active activities is up to 3 BSB.

Rector's one-time incentive scholarship

Scholarships are awarded for exceptional activities that promote the name of the University.

The size of the rector's one-time incentive scholarship is up to 8 BSB

One-time targeted scholarship

One-time targeted scholarships are awarded for targeted activities representing the University to cover the expenses incurred by the student:

  1. participation in international and/or national scientific conferences, seminars, Olympiads, projects or other events;
  2. representing the University in international and/or national sports, art, and/or public organization contests, conventions, or other events and social initiatives;

The size of the one-time targeted scholarship is up to 30 BSB.

Target scholarships cannot exceed 60 BSB per semester.

Patron scholarships

The procedure for awarding patrons' and sponsors' scholarships and their amounts are determined by the procedure for awarding patrons' and sponsors' scholarships and/or support contracts. Patron scholarships are awarded to active University students who have achieved good academic results.

You can check whether there are currently active patronage scholarship contests in AIS, in the "Contests" section.

Mobility scholarships

Students selected to go to part-time studies abroad according to bilateral agreements can receive a mobility grant awarded by the university. The awarded scholarship is partial, i.e. it does not cover all living expenses, so all outgoing students must have additional funds.

More information on the size of the mobility grant: on the KTU page