Student representatives in faculties bodies

KTU students can represent students in faculty government bodies.

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At Kaunas University of Technology, each faculty has its own management structure, which ensures the smooth functioning of the faculty, the quality of academic programs and the well-being of students.

Faculties' governing bodies work together to ensure quality teaching and research, as well as student well-being and academic development. Regular meetings, reports and cooperation between different bodies allow to effectively address the challenges of the faculties. The management bodies of faculties are joined not only by lecturers and researchers belonging to the academic community of the Faculty, but also by the faculties' Students’ association, which, in accordance with the procedure laid down in its regulations, delegate its representatives to the following bodies:

Faculty Council: it is the main decision-making body in the Faculty, which makes decisions on the most important issues of the Faculty's study organization, science and other issues.

Deanate: it is an advisory institution of the Dean, which discusses the organizational, study, economic and other issues of the Faculty, prepares draft documents and reports, assists the Dean in the implementation of the resolutions by the Council, the Senate and the Faculty Council, as well as the orders of the Rector.

Faculty Studies Committee (FSC): it is a collegial decision-making body, which is responsible for the implementation of the University's and Faculty's study objectives and ensuring the quality of studies at the Faculty.

Field Study Programmes Committee (FSPC): it is a collegial decision-making body which coordinates the designated first and second cycle, integrated and professional study programmes and is directly responsible for the quality, improvement and results of internal and external evaluation of these programmes.