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A complaint can be filed by one student or a group of students. When a complaint is submitted by a group of students, it is signed by all students, but one student is designated as the representative of the student group, with whom the addressee receiving the complaint and the Complaints Commission communicate directly.

The complaint is filed due to a possible violation of the Student's rights and legitimate interests, which was caused by the actions or inaction of a University employee, another student, department, commission or other body operating at the University in the following areas: quality assurance of studies; compliance with study organization processes and procedures; quality assurance of learning resources and learning environment; Compliance with the provisions of the Code of Academic Ethics; quality assurance and compliance with procedures for additional services (for example, provision of financial support, accommodation, leisure activities, etc.); in other cases.

First of all, before submitting an appeal, the student must familiarize himself with the area in which the violation may have been committed, the regulatory documents, other important information, and, if necessary, consult with the vice dean of studies of his faculty. If there is an opportunity, it is recommended to first solve the problem with the University employee who made the written decision, the head of the department, commission or other body operating in the University. Secondly, before submitting an appeal, the student has the right to review his written work or other completed assignment, or to get acquainted with the conclusions regarding the decision made against him. An appeal is filed when, after familiarizing yourself with the area in which the violation may have been committed, the regulatory documents, reviewing the work performed, the tasks, or after familiarizing yourself with the conclusions, there are still valid arguments regarding possible violations.

The appeal is submitted regarding the written decision made by the University against the Student, when the decision was made (for example, the year of the Student's accounting for study results and/or the year of study results achieved, learning achievements), academic ethics, procedures and/or technical errors were possibly violated. An appeal may not be submitted for the purpose of re-evaluation of completed assignments or obtaining permission to re-pay when the student believes that he/she has been wrongly evaluated.

Rotation - the transfer of a student from a state non-financed (VNF) place to a funded (VF) place and vice versa.