Student representatives in KTU bodies

KTU students actively participate in KTU governing bodies.

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Kaunas University of Technology has an effective management structure for the implementation of the University's strategy and representation of community interests.

KTU management bodies work together to ensure the implementation of the university's mission, high-quality teaching and research, as well as student welfare. Regular meetings, reports and cooperation between different bodies allow to effectively address the challenges of the University and promote its development. The activities of the management bodies of the University are joined not only by lecturers and researchers belonging to the academic community, but also by a Student’s association which, in accordance with the procedure laid down in its articles, delegates its representatives to the following bodies:

University Council: it is the highest collegial management body of the University's strategic affairs, which is accountable to the public, socially responsible and responsive to environmental changes, as well as helping to achieve the University's strategic goals and implement the University's mission.

Senate: it is the collegial management body of the University's academic affairs, which approves study, research and art programmes, convenes meetings of the University's academic community to discuss important issues of the University's activities.

Rectorate: it is an advisory institution of the Rector, which prepares drafts of the strategic action plan and restructuring plan of the University, discusses the issues of studies, science and organization.