Candidates for the positions of chairpersons in the KTU faculty student unions.

Candidates for the positions of chairpersons in the KTU faculty student unions.

Duration - 4 min.

The year 2024 is well underway, marking the beginning of a new phase for the faculty student associations. From February 29th to March 13th, the heads of each KTU faculty will confirm the new FSA chairpersons and listen to their plans for the upcoming term. We invite you to get to know the candidates better.

Reminder: Participation of the heads is essential.

KTU Faculty of Business and Economics Student Association (VFSA)

Candidates for Chairperson:

Simona Ivanauskaitė, 2nd year, Finance

Currently serving as the Coordinator of the Social Affairs Committee at KTU FSA VFSA.

Titas Kažemekaitis, 3rd year, Economics

Currently serving as a member of the Human Resources Committee at KTU FSA VFSA.

The VFSA report-election conference will take place on February 29th.

KTU Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture Student Association (STATIUS)

Candidate for Chairperson:

Meda Gelažiūtė, 2nd year, Architecture

Currently serving as the Coordinator of the Academic Processes Committee at KTU FSA STATIUS.

The STATIUS report-election conference will take place on March 1st.

KTU Faculty of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts Student Association (SHM)

Candidate for Chairperson:

Augustinas Morkūnas, 3rd year, New Media Language

Currently serving as the Coordinator of the Social Affairs Committee at KTU FSA SHM.

The SHM report-election conference will take place on March 4th.

KTU Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Design Student Association (InDi)

Candidates for Chairperson:

Augustas Kučinskas, 3rd year, Aviation Engineering

Currently serving as the Coordinator of the Social Affairs Committee at KTU FSA InDi.

Domantas Žemaitis, 3rd year, Mechanical Engineering

Currently serving as the Coordinator of the Organizational Affairs Committee at KTU FSA InDi.

The InDi report-election conference will take place on March 5th.

KTU Faculty of Chemical Technology Student Association ("VIVAT chemija")

Candidate for Chairperson:

Kamilė Dargytė, 2nd year, Applied Chemistry

Currently serving as a member of the Academic Processes Committee at KTU FSA "VIVAT chemija."

The "VIVAT chemija" report-election conference will take place on March 6th.

KTU Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Student Association (ESA)

Candidates for Chairperson:

Aidas Rusevičius, 2nd year, Electrical Engineering

Currently serving as the Coordinator of the Academic Processes Committee at KTU FSA ESA.

Dovydas Naidzinavičius, 3rd year, Renewable Energy

Currently serving as the Coordinator of the Human Resources and Social Affairs Committees at KTU FSA ESA.

The ESA report-election conference will take place on March 7th.

KTU Faculty of Informatics Student Association (InfoSA)

Candidates for Chairperson:

Gabija Matulytė, 2nd year, Software Systems

Currently serving as the Coordinator of the Organizational Affairs Committee at KTU FSA InfoSA.

Osvaldas Žilinskas, 2nd year, Informatics Engineering

Currently serving as a member of the Social Affairs Committee at KTU FSA InfoSA.

Šarūnas Butnevičius, 2nd year, Software Systems

Currently serving as a member of the Organizational Affairs Committee at KTU FSA InfoSA.

The InfoSA report-election conference will take place on March 12th.

KTU Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Student Association (FUMSA)

Candidate for Chairperson:

Titas Dobilevičius, 2nd year, Material Physics and Nanotechnology

Currently serving as a member of the Organizational Affairs Committee at KTU FSA FUMSA.

The FUMSA report-election conference will take place on March 13th.