Justas Čėsna has been elected as the new KTU SA President.

Justas Čėsna has been elected as the new KTU SA President.

Duration - 4 min.

On April 6th, during the KTU Student Union’s reporting-election conference, not only were the annual activity and financial reports of the organization presented, but members of the Control Committee, representatives to the KTU Senate, and the new KTU SA President were also elected.

As usual, the conference began with welcoming speeches. KTU Vice-Rector for Studies Kristina Ukvalbergienė and President of the Lithuanian Students’ Union Paulius Vaitiekus opened the conference with warm and inspiring words. They congratulated the outgoing KTU SA President Danas Černeckas and his team, thanked them for their hard work and achievements, and wished the new team initiative and success for the coming year.

Following the greetings, Danas Černeckas, who served as the organization's president for two years, presented the annual activity report. Danas highlighted the KTU SA strategy, which outlines the priorities for student representatives in the coming year, changes to the University Talent Scholarship – students with a competitive score of 11 or higher are directly awarded the scholarship without being included in the competition queue – and efforts to create a student-friendly environment, such as the university library now being open 24/7.

The conference also included the presentation of the organization's financial report. This term, the union's revenue amounted to approximately 187,000 euros, with expenditures around 140,000 euros. The main sources of income were KTU support (57,000 euros) and WE GO projects (39,000 euros). As usual, the largest expenses were for the activities of university faculty unions (70,000 euros) and the implementation of the Introduction Week event (11,000 euros).

The conference also included proposed changes to the KTU SA statutes, but these were not approved. Consequently, an extraordinary election conference will be scheduled for this purpose.

After the delegates approved the KTU SA activity and financial reports, the second part of the conference began – candidate presentations for the KTU Senate, KTU SA Control Committee, and President positions.


Eleven candidates ran for student representative positions in the Senate, with nine elected:

  1. Augustinas Jukna
  2. Augustas Kristutis
  3. Dovydas Naidzinavičius
  4. Justas Pranauskis
  5. Kasparas Arys
  6. Matas Grigošaitis
  7. Žilvinas Duotas
  8. Ugne Viktorija Paulikaitė
  9. Valdas Mizaras

Control Committee

Three candidates ran for the Control Committee, all of whom were elected:

  1. Evelina Stonkutė
  2. Ineta Stonkutė
  3. Mantas Budrys
  4. KTU SA President

This year, two candidates expressed their desire to lead the organization: Justas Čėsna, a 3rd-year student in Chemical Technology and Engineering, and Jokūbas Milaševičius, a 3rd-year student in Food Science and Technology. Ultimately, Justas Čėsna was elected KTU SA President by a majority of delegate votes.

After nearly seven hours of the conference, the entire hall gave a long round of applause to the outgoing Danas and his team. The KTU SA community thanks Danas not only for two meaningful years and his significant contribution to improving the future for students but also for his humanity, dedication to inspiring and motivating each member of the organization – which includes nearly 400 students, each voice being important.

We wish the newly elected president, his team, the student representatives in the KTU Senate, and the Control Committee productive years ahead as they work for the benefit of students and lead the organization forward.

You can watch the conference broadcast here.