Faculty of Economics and Business Student Association


Faculty of Economics and Business Student Association

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About us

VFSA (formerly V.F.S.A.) dates back to 1968 when the Student Union of the Faculty of Engineering Economics of Antanas Sniečkus Polytechnic Institute was founded. But we are not that old and we count only the 24th year (since the founding of 1993). The first Chairman we know about is Linas Leonovas, who chaired the Union’s Board from 1997 to 1999. During his term, two Faculty Students’ Unions – V.F.S.A. and RAFES – together organized one of the largest events of KTU SU, RAFES Festival. Currently, the School of Economics and Business Students’ Union VFSA, has over 60 members.

Lets talk!

Social media
FSA Team
Simona Ivanauskaitė
Simona Ivanauskaitė
FSA management, representation at the University’s governing bodies.
Deimantė Slepkovaitė
Social Matters
Deimantė Slepkovaitė
Coordinating activities of Elders and Commencement Mentors, issues related to scholarships and infrastructure needs.
Dominyka Žilevičiūtė
Academic processes
Dominyka Žilevičiūtė
Improving the study process by collecting students' opinions and representing students' interests in meetings with the administration, meetings of the university's governing bodies. Counselling on academic and study issues.
Lukas Kubilius
Business Projects
Lukas Kubilius
Relations with the business sector, finding partners for scholarships and improving the university's infrastructure.
Urtė Saliamonavičiūtė
Public Relations coordinator
Urtė Saliamonavičiūtė
Dissemination of information, FSA page and social. administration of networks, creation of FSA's image in public space.
Laura Lodaitė
Laura Lodaitė
Ensuring smooth and systematic execution of administrative work.
Ugnė Zelenkevičiūtė
Human Resources
Ugnė Zelenkevičiūtė
Planning, retaining members, attracting and integrating new members, raising their competencies, maintaining contact with Alumni, ensuring a good atmosphere, team building and organizing internal events.